Friday, August 5, 2011

So It's Time To Rate God's Job Performance

  Last evening just like many of you I'm sure,  I was watching The O'Reilly Factor on Fox. In one of the segments of the program, it seems someone took the time to rate God's job performance in America. Personally, I find this rather strange. I didn't even know  God  worked for Americans.Does anyone know when America hired God? I wonder who conducted the job interview? I wonder who cuts God's paycheck? I wonder does God work by the hour or is he on salary? I wonder who decides how much God makes? I wonder why America is suddenly conducting this job performance review, is God up for a raise? I was pleased to find out that fifty two percent of the people polled thought  that God' over all job performance was pretty good, I'm sure God was relieved to know that! I learned forty percent of the people weren't  sure God was even on the job.The remaining eight percent probably don't even know what planet they're on!
  I don't know who conducted this so called poll however, to the forty eight  percent who are either, unsure or unaware of God's job performance,  I have some news for them. It seems to me America , seldom seeks God's advice or help on anything at least not lately. If  God was working for America , It seems to me America fired him along time ago now.America decided in the early sixties that we didn't need God in the class room. There is a movement even now to remove his name from our pledge, and from our money, and America certainly doesn't want God in the affairs of government, even many churches won't preach his word with the power and conviction like they should. America if God seems far away, guess who moved? Does anyone know what happens to a nation that forgets God? I'll tell you, that nation is soon forgotten. As always,  my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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