Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Can America Face The Truth?

  There's a passage in Shakespeare's Hamlet that I try to remember when I have to make a tough decision. I will now try to quote this from my memory, I believe it goes something like this, " this above all,  to thine own self  be true and this must follow as the night the day." "Thou canst not be false to any man." I  have  weighed carefully, and often,  the meaning of these words. I believe the meaning is simply this,  You must live your life in a such a way that when you must make difficult decisions, or speak truthful opinions  that are often unpopular, you must still speak the truth, by doing this you will be true to yourself and thus, be true to others. Speaking the truth often comes at a price. As a matter of fact, the only person I know who always spoke the truth was Jesus Christ and he was crucified for it. These words also mean a great deal to me," the harder the truth the truer the friend that tells it." I must admit, I often  feel like Jack Nicholson, in the movie, " A Few Good Men" when he says, " You can't handle the truth!" I'm afraid, I  have to say those words to many people in America today.
  I wish I could tell you,  Americas future looks bright. I must be true to myself, and my conscience demands  that I speak the truth as I see it.The few people in America who try to speak the truth are often called terrorist. I will admit , it is much easier, to go with the flow and say or do nothing. People often tell me I am to political or to to religious. they tell me they won't discuss such controversial topics. Well, that is certainly a safe position, and I can assure you it will accomplish nothing to help America's future.
  Some give America, less than twenty years if as a nation we stay on this path of moral,  social,  political,  and economic destruction.I wonder, if  China or some other nation should  one day gain control  of America either militarily, or economically, which, is just as bad, in my opinion, on,  that day when children ask their parents how could this happen, how come no one said or did anything, will parents, take comfort in the knowledge they said or did nothing because it was easier, and  safer to avoid controversial topics? America better wise up and soon but, I wonder can America face the truth? As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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