Thursday, August 18, 2011

Honesty Is Still The The Best Policy.

  I'm sure by now,  you've heard that story in the news about the young boy who made the fantastic hockey shot. When he made that unbelievable shot he supposedly won 50.000 dollars. There was one little problem however,  the boy who made the shot was the twin of the brother who was the supposed to make the shot. They would have gotten away with it but the boys father decided to tell the truth. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was proud of that  father for telling the truth especially, since there was a good chance they would have gotten away with the deception. The lesson that father taught  those boys is worth far more than 50.000 dollars
  As I think about, it seems to me that various political  pundits seem to mislead the American people with various degrees of dishonesty everyday. President Obama said if we passed his 87 billion dollar stimulus  package unemployment wouldn't go above eight percent. America's unemployment now stands at nine point one percent. President Obama's political honesty is to say the least, a bit lacking. The price future generations of Americans will have to pay will be far more than than 50.000  dollars. President Obama's economic policies have added two and a half trillion dollars to the national debt since he entered the Presidency almost three years ago now. Recently,   the president just increased the debt ceiling another two point four trillion dollars for the next two and a half years. You know, it seems to me, that a little political honesty, would have a lot cheaper for all of us. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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