Monday, August 1, 2011

America Is God On Our Side?

  The Civil war was without question, one of the most turbulent time periods in American history. The very existence of the nation was at stake. President Lincoln understood very well that America was clearly, divided. Lincoln, in an attempt to gain divine wisdom, began reading his Bible late one April evening in the spring of 1862. As he searched the scriptures for both comfort and guidance, it seemed his soul was troubled. Lincoln's Secretary of  State William Seward noticed the Presidents distress and and asked, "Mr. President, what's the matter? "I am perplexed, replied Lincoln, then, Seward asked, " Mr President have you come across a passage in the Bible that you don't understand? " Lincoln replied, " it is not the passages in the Bible that I don't understand that trouble me " what troubles me are the passages of the Bible I do understand." Seward, seeking to offer encouragement to the troubled President then, said, " don't worry Mr. President, I'm sure God is on our side" President Lincoln considered Seward's words then said, " Secretary Seward,  "I am not concerned  so much if  God is on our side, but I am deeply concerned whether I and this fragile nation are on God's side."
  As I consider the many problems America is facing today, I can not help but see a  striking similarity between 1862 and today. While our nation may not be at war per say, with in our own boarders, America certainly is waging war in the arenas of  economics politics morality, religion,  and over all world view. Whether America  continues as a thriving country depends largely, I believe on the direction we choose to go in all of these areas. I am reminded of a quote Ben Franklin said in the early days of our nation he said this, " if a sparrow can not fall without God's notice,   can a nation truly rise without his aid?"
  There are many, in America today who believe, that America should be a totally secular nation void of any religious influence. I  fear, that once again the future existence of America is at stake. Today, I  pause to wonder just as President Lincoln did, not so much whether God is on America's side, but is America on God's side? As always, my friends, these thoughts  remain, just some words to think on.

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