Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can A Ruined Reputation Ever Truly Be Regained?

  Someone once said, trying to regain one's reputation after careless and often thoughtless gossip has destroyed it, is about as easy as cutting open a father pillow on a windy day, scattering   the feathers in every direction, and then trying  to find all the feathers and place them back in the pillow. I can assure you,  it can not be done! Today, as I consider politics in America, I realize, there are always those in politics, who will stop at nothing to destroy an opponents reputation especially,  if some political advantage can be gained. There are those I'm sure,  who would tell me that's politics as usual, and it's always been that way. The sad truth is, they're probably right.
  I have however a greater concern, particularly, among those who would call themselves Christians. I fear Christians have developed something I call Christian gossip. Christian Gossip usually starts out something like this. Brother, or sister, I just want to share this prayer request with you so you'll know better how to pray for brother or sister so and so. What follows after that,  is often a litany of unsubstantiated rumors that are often filled with juicy lured details that really shouldn't be shared with anyone! I found however, if you stop them before they can really get going, and ask them if they have confirmed,  and discussed the situation they are telling you about,  with the person or people they are telling you about, more often than not, you'll find out they have not, and the conversation then comes to an abrupt end. How I wish,  Christians would spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the same diligence they often use to spread useless Christian gossip.
  We will always have leaders in politics who love to gossip some things never change, but Gossip is a sin that should never be named, among those who would call themselves Christians. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.      

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