Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Right May Be Right But The Left Is Often Louder.

  I have to be honest with you. As much as I may hate to admit it, America is a nation in decline. This is not easy  for me to say. I love this county,  and there still remains a great deal to love about America. As I consider America's future I have to tell you, I'm not at all sure, America's future is bright. I heard on the news that America's credit rating is in danger of being down graded again. I am certain that if this happens it will only serve to further weaken America's already sluggish economy.
  When I consider America's values as a nation, I still believe, we are a center right country. I still believe,  that most Americans still at least lean,  towards traditional family values. We are still a country filled with churches and poll after poll shows that most people still believe in God and prefer more traditional values. Thus I ask my self this question. If there are  more conservatives than liberals why do they seem to be having such a great influence in this country? I posed this question to a friend of mine. The answer I got made quite an impression on me. My friend said this, 'The right may be right, but often, the left is louder.' I believe there may be, some truth to that statement. When you consider the fact that most of the media is liberal our public school system is certainly liberal, many of our courts across this county don't even bother to  rule by the constitution, and our culture, is filled with liberal outlets. The television  has robed many Americans of there ability to think. Many times you don't have to think because much of what's on television and  in the movies we see or the music we hear seems to have but one purpose and that purpose is the moral breakdown of the traditional family in favor of a culturally liberal agenda.
  Consider this, in 1953 a group of veterans called, the Knights of Columbus placed a World War Two memorial on Montana's Big Mountain.This memorial, included a statue of Jesus. This statue, has been in this location for nearly sixty years and no one has ever complained and no one is complaining now accept the ultra liberal A C L U. and because of the pressure they are placing on the U S Forest Service, the U S Forest Service has given the Knights of Columbus until the end of December to remove the stature. This has to be done according to the A C L U to preserve the separation of church and state. What liberals really mean is, separation of God from country. Liberals,  have only one goal to transform America and fashion this country into a liberal progressive state like the countries of  Europe. I am very afraid the liberals are so very close, to succeeding.
  You may be asking your self how did  this liberal slide  happen,   in the first place? The answer seems simple to me. First,  America was cautious and had a clear understanding that God should play a major roll in every aspect of America's culture including the government the governments role was to be limited, so that each person could follow the laws of God freely, with no fear of suppression from the government As is often the case,  of many great cultures America slowly went from cautious to comfortable, America,  I believe,  was truly blessed by God and grew to be the most prosperous nation since the days of the Roman Empire It is at this point however, America went from comfortable to careless. America became rich and had need of nothing and  often,  that included  any moral guidance from the godly principals America had once been founded on. Many Americans today,  seem more than content to trust in the government rather than God. I think America now is moving from careless to corupt.  It is no secret, that the godly morales which were once very predomidant in America have taken a serious nose dive! This first,  become appearant in the mid to late sixties and  this trend, continues today. Finally if Americans continue to refuse to return to their tradional Chrisian  roots then America, will go from a country that has become politically, and morally corupt to a country that colapsed,  and no longer exist. I have one more word that starts with the letter C for you to remember,  if America wishes to be great again,  she must return,  to the God of her fathers only then, can America be cured. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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