Saturday, October 22, 2011

Are You Smarter Than A Fourth Grader?

  My daughter is in fourth grade. I can't get over how smart she is. To say,  that I am proud of her , goes without saying. I was watching the news recently, and believe it or not, I saw  Vice President Joe  Biden, talking to a class room of fourth graders. I was glad,  that at last,  the Vice President was able to talk to a group,  where he was almost,  their intellectual equal! The Vice President was taking time out from his busy fast paced life,  to explain to the fourth graders,  the merits of the President's jobs bill. I realize,  the fourth graders can't vote yet. Perhaps,  the Vice President,  was practicing his persuasive abilities on the fourth graders. Perhaps the Vice President thought,  if he could convince a classroom full of fourth graders that the President's jobs bill was good for the country then he'd be ready to join the President on one of his bus tours and take his turn,  trying to convince Americans that the President's jobs bill will stimulate the nations struggling economy. Yes, that must be what the Vice President was doing.
  You know, I don't think he was able to communicate his message to the fourt graders very well. maybe,  the Vice President was trying to encourage the fourth graders to go home,  and have their parents call their state congressman or senator  and urge them to vote in favor of the President's jobs bill. Yes, I'm sure that's why,  the Vice President,  was asked to speak with the fourth graders. I hope,  the Vice President,  was successful,  in his mission. There's just one problem however, I am not at all sure,  if the Vice President is smarter than a fourth grader. As always, my friends, these thought remain just, some words to think on.

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