Thursday, October 20, 2011

Anything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You.

  There's an old saying that says, better to remain silent,  and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt! There is a reason one of our rights is to remain silent. If you get accused of something the police will tell you your rights. They will tell you that you have the right to remain silent and that if you give up the right to remain silent anything you say, can, and will be used against you in a court of law. Well, the same could be said in politics especially,  the phase that says anything you say can and will be used against you.
  Here is what I mean,  in the recent Republican debate,  Governor mitt Romney said, that as soon as he knew he had illegal immigrants working on his lawn staff he told his  staff to fire them because he was running for office for Pete's sake that's not, an exact quote but that's the gist of it. You can bet, Governor Romney wishes he could take those words back because, as soon as he said them,   David Axelrod was on the news using Mitt Romney's words against him. David Axelrod said, he noticed the governor did not say,  his lawn keepers  should be fired because working here as an illegal was wrong, only, that his lawn workers should be fired because the Governor was running for office at the time. This is what happens when your forced to respond too  quickly in a presidential debate. I'm sure if Governor Romney would have had a bit more time,  he would have chosen better words regarding illegal immigration. Senator Rick Santorum also wasted no time using Governor Romney's words against him.
  Contrast this with,  Vice President Joe Biden's recent ill spoken words regarding the importance of getting the President's jobs bill passed. Vice President Biden suggested,  that if the President;s job bill was not passed,  then more police would be laid off and thus,  there  would be a significant rise in the number of rapes committed from year to year. Thus, the Vice President was able to imply, that if  the Senate Republicans voted against the President's jobs bill they must not care about women getting rapped! I noticed however, that when the Vice President was asked by a Fox News reporter if  he thought using the crime of rape as a wedge against the Senate Republicans was proper,  the Vie President was not given a chance to answer the reporter's question because,  aids quickly said,  they had to move on I'll bet!
  Senator Harry Reid said yesterday,  that only public or government jobs had been affected by the nations sluggish economy the private sector's Jobs  Senator Reid said, was doing just fine. I didn't see  any Democrats defending Senator Reid's remarks,  but the Senate Republicans sure are having fun,  with Senator Reid's ill spoken and thoughtless words. What lesson are we to learn then? Very simply,  in the area of politics, choose your words very carefully, because anything you say can, and will, be used against you. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to  think on.

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