Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So Romney Can't Win It, That's Why Newt's Staying In It.

  Any conservatives in the Republican party who thought  that the race for the Republican presidential nomination was going to end any time soon had better think again! Governor Romney's,  loss in both the Alabama and Mississippi state primaries did nothing but guarantee that the GOP presidential nomination process will continue in fact, it looks as though there  may not be a republican nominee until the end of August at the end of the Republican national  convention in Tampa. Senator Rick Santorum, won both the Alabama and Mississippi primary respectively. Speaker Newt Gingrich,  finished second in both primaries. Some are asking Speaker Newt Gingrich,  to get out of the race.Senator Santorum, has certainly been hinting that Speaker Gingrich,  should get out of the race. A two man race would no doubt be better for both Governor  Romney, and Senator Santorum. Speaker Gingrich, however, has made it very clear that he intends to stay in the race to deny Governor Romney,  the 1144 delegates he needs to achieve the Republican nomination.
  I realize to many Newt Gingrich,  now seems to be perceived as a bit of a cry baby. Many,  feel that Speaker Gingrich, has a personal vendetta against Governor Mitt Romney, because of the massive amount of money Governor Romney,  spent running negative campaign adds against Newt Gingrich, just before the Florida, primary. There are those,  of course  who fell that  Senator Santorum,deserves a chance to run head to head against Governor Romney,  after all, Senator Santorum,  has more delegates than Speaker Gingrich.
 Speaking just for myself, I think it is true that Senator Santorum, will have a better chance to win if the GOP nominating process goes all the way to a brokered convention in Tampa. I also understand Speaker Gingrich's,  position he is 68 lets face it this is probably his last chance to run for president. Speaker Gingrich,  really believes he is the best choice to help solve America's many problems. Speaker Gingrich,  now realizes however, that a brokered convention is his only chance. Congressman Ron Paul, never really had a chance to win the GOP nomination. The only way Congressman Ron Paul,  becomes important now is if his few delegates would be enough to put one of the other three candidates over the top.
  Speaker Gingrich, has every right to stay in the race and so does Senator Santorum, many warn however,  that a nomination process that goes on until the end of August and isn't decided till all  the delegates are counted in Tampa will leave whoever the eventual Nominee is  so politically weakened that the then sixty days or so till the November election will not be enough time for the nominee to mount an effective campaign against President Obama.I would only hope the Republican Party,  doesn't spend so much time fighting the battle that is the primary season, that they lose the war that will be the November election against President Obama. I do not know how the GOP race will turn out but it appears,  at least for now that there is still a rough and long race ahead. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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