Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Personal Liberty, Weighed In The Balance.

  Right now America's Supreme Court is placing personal liberty in the scales of justice. The President's health care law and  it's constitutionality,   is a question  which could have massive implications on personal liberty. I am not a Libertarian, I do feel however,  that our government,  is far to willing to make too many personal decisions for the American people. The truth,  may be for far too long the American,  people have been willing to let the government do it! I hope when the Supreme Court,  weighs the merits of the health care law that they find it seriously intrusive and definitely lacking in personal liberty and freedom of choice.
  As important as the Supreme Courts decision will be as far as personal liberty is concerned  for Americans,  I find myself,  very concerned with another decision a far greater judge may have already made as far as this nation is concerned..Daniel 5 verse 27 talks a bout a kingdom that God,  weighed in the balance and found to be  wanting and indeed Babylon, fell to the Persians, in one  night even today you have no doubt heard the expression I saw the hand writing on the wall. Daniel chapter 5 verse 27 is where that expression comes from God,  wrote on the King of Babylon's wall that his mighty hand of final judgement was a bout to bring the Babylonian kingdom to an end. There is no greater tragedy or doom more certain for a nation when God finally decides a nation has served it' purpose. Personal liberty is a gift from God,  but that does not mean a nation whose foundation was built on Christian principals can continually , turn away from God,   and in a sense almost deny his very existence. I pray that God,  has not already weighed America in the scales of his righteous judgement for I am afraid that if he has America, will be found wanting. God,  may then decide that America, has served his purpose, and America's days of greatness perhaps even America's  existence as a nation will come to an end. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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