Sunday, March 25, 2012

Christians At Their Best

  I heard a story in the news last week. An Atheist,  by the name of Patrick Brown,  was suing a church in Athens Texas,  for having displayed a nativity scene this past Christmas. This sort of thing is often done by a lot of Atheist who seem to have no other real purpose in life except to make life more difficult for Christians. Mr. Greene it seems developed a problem with his eyes and was facing the possibility of going blind without treatment and he was retired and like many who are retired he was on a limited in come. The church members in Athens Texas,  decided to give  Mr. Green,  four hundred dollars to help him meet his needs while he was recovering from his treatments for his eyes. Mr. Greene was so thankful he dropped his law suit against the church.
  There is a story in the Bible,  in Luke 11 verses 11 through 19 that reminds me a little of how Christians,  are supposed to be. Jesus, finds ten lepers who asked to be healed Jesus,  does heal all ten even though he knows before he does so, that only one will bother to come back to say thank you to him. Truly, the story in Athens Texas, and the story of Jesus,  healing the ten lepers are prime examples of how true Christians should strive to be. I know Christians, my self included aren't perfect but we are forgiven. Luke 6 verse 44 says for Christians,  to bless those who would curse them and pray for those who would despitefully  use them. My greatest goal in life is to try to be this kind of Christian,  and although  I often fall short I pray I am made a better person for striving to following the teachings of my teacher Jesus Christ. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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