Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Day Freedom No Longer Rings.

  This morning I spent some time playing some games on my computer. My daughter,  who is home on spring break from school was enjoying playing on my computer. We have a lot of fun and I can't find the words to express the joy she brings to my life. Then I saw an interview on the CBN network that made me almost shake with fear. Senator Rick Santorum, was saying he would do whatever he could to help our nation. What he said next to me was very thought provoking. He said twenty years from now he didn't want to have a conversation with his daughter telling her about an America, that used to be free.
  I will confess to you that I don't ever want to have that conversation with my daughter either. I am always perplexed when I hear good men and women every where say, what difference can anyone really make? I can only respond this way if  America, should fall and our government should be come some form of a mandated dictatorship and every person decision I might make is made for me by the government, when my daughter or maybe granddaughter ask what was it like when America,  was free and what did I do to try to help America,  not to fall, will I feel better if I say I did nothing because I was convinced I could make no difference and besides I did not want to be thought of as a politically incorrect patriotic fanatic? You know some how I don' think so. There fore I speak out when I feel America, and the freedom Americans, have enjoyed for almost 236 years now are under siege. should the day ever come that America,  falls and is no longer a free nation. I want to at least be able to say, I did all that I could rather than, I was content to do nothing because I convinced it would make no difference. Should the day come when America,  falls and we as a nation are faced to live  in the hopelessness and despair that a government dictatorship surely brings, what will we tell our children the day freedom no longer rings? As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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