Thursday, March 8, 2012

Big Brother Government Will Be Watching You.

  The constitution guarantees  every American certain personal freedoms their are rules a bout illegal search and seizure.There is however a constant battle between personal liberty and over all security for the public at large. I think sometimes,  trying to maintain the delicate balance between personal freedom and a general expectation of privacy is so strenuous, that the very fabric of  our constitution is stretched to the breaking point.
  Congressman,  Ron Paul,  is a Libertarian,  and he believes in a strict interpretation of our constitution and although I have some real problems with some of his views on American foreign policy, I do think Americans must always guard against too much government intrusion. There is a law being considered by some coaches and other employers to require potential employees to give their Face book password to an employers so their on line activities can be checked before potential employees would be hired. As you might expect the ACLU and many Libertarians, and other advocates for basic privacy are really up in arms over this latest proposed law. I will admit to you sometimes where the government is concerned I often feel just like that song by Sting in the group called the Police. The song is called I'll Be Watching You. Many will remember these words from that song,every move you make every breathe you take I'll be watching you.  At the same time I realize employers must be allowed to do basic back ground checks depending on what kind of job one may be applying for. A bank manager, would not want to hire some one who had a criminal history of robbing banks. A store manager at a pharmacy, would not want to hire some one who had been in trouble with the law stemming from repeated substance abuse problems.At the same time I don't think that the government should have to know the complete details of everything you have ever done since the first time you drew your first breath!
  Today,  the House, passed a bill that says random drug test can be asked for before a person can receive unemployment benefits. While I understand as an American, I don't want unemployment benefits to be used to boaster further substance abuse I still have to ask my self where will it end? or what are the future implications will this law open the door to? Will some be drug tested be fore obtaining a bank loan? Could a person be tested for drugs before obtaining a drivers license? I will admit it is quite amazing how easily certain information can be obtained. Recently I Googled a friends name just to see if I could find his phone number, not only did I find his phone number but I was also told if I was willing to use a credit card for a certain fee a file could be accessed that would tell me just about anything about my friend that I could ever want to know and my friend would never have any knowledge of this. Well, I did not not attempt to gain any addition information besides his phone number but I will admit I was surprise how easily certain information on the inner net can be accessed if one is willing to pay for it. While I realize a certain about of general security will always be necessary, at the same time I now realize even in America, we may have a great deal less privacy, and a great deal less personal freedom then we as Americans,may think we do. as always,my friend, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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