Thursday, March 22, 2012

Republicans, Finally Rally Around Romney.

  I've noticed a bit of a change in Governor Romney's campaign message of late. I think the  Governor,  is finally,  beginning to understand that Republican,  conservative voters, what to hear more than just the presentation of the Governor's,  resume each time he gives a speech. What the Republican votes really want to know is, not just how much experience the Governor,  has but how will he use it to get Americans,  out of this terrible economic mess!
  When the Governor,  won the Illinois primary,  I finally had some idea, what Governor,  was about. He talked about Government deregulation and how getting rid of most of most of the regulations on small businesses, would finally allow them to grow and actually make a prophet. He talked about restructuring the tax code. The need to be free to drill for more oil and gas. I think the Governor,  most certainly, realizes he must repeal Obama care. This is one health care bill most Americans, don't care for and if it goes into affect, America's economy and the nations debt will continue to be very unhealthy! I sensed in the Governor, a new determination to repeal Obama care  if the Supreme Court doesn't do it for him after the case for the health care laws' constitutionality  is presented  some time in May or June. What really gave me new hope for the Governor was his realization that each American must be free to pursue the American dream for themselves, no one can give the American dream to anyone but each American should have an equal opportunity to earn it for themselves.
  Even the Republican,  base is beginning to warm up to Governor Romney. I have to admit his delegate lead is impressive. As far as politics goes,  no one ever really knows what a person will or won't try to do wants they get into office. I can not say for sure but it appears Governor Romney, wants every American,  to have an equal opportunity to pursue their own American,  dream and that is one dream each person must earn. I think Governor Romney, is only asking the American,  people to give him a chance and you know I think many Americans,  may just believed he's earned it. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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