Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Freedom Of Religion For Everyone Except, Christians.

  Don't look now Christians but you religious freedom is under attack again! First,  Catholic Universities,  and Catholic hospitals and other Catholic charities and other religious organizations  must pay or make sure their employees insurance pays for contraception for their female employees. Next,ABC puts a show on the airwaves that was at first called Good Christian and it rhymes with witches and starts with a B. Finally, New York's Stony Brook University,  will no longer recognize Christian religious holidays and they were once called  Holy days, because they fear they might offend Buddhist or someones religion, may be left out my how very thoughtful of the administration at Stony Brook University! Christians make no mistake that is just the liberal spin the school is hiding behind in just another back door underhanded attempt to do away with Christianity,  in America. Liberals hate to admit it but America, was founded on Christian,  principals and traditional values. Liberals have a difficult time defining their cor values primarily because they keep changing them all in the name of Progressivism.
  Some, will no doubt say, I'm just an alarmist acting like the fabled Henny Penny, because the sky of Christian,  religious freedom  is falling. President Obama, said, not too long ago, that America, really wasn't a Christian,  nation anymore. I do know one thing if the liberals have their way America, won't be! as always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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