Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Long May It Wave

  I will tell right now, that I am a very patriotic American, and I love and respect the  American flag. When I heard on the news that certain occupy protesters in Oakland California,  were destroying public property and attaching policeman, and burning the American flag, well, let's just say, this situation made my patriotic blood boil.Many of our brave men and women though out  our American history have fought and died for the very American flag some occupy idiot is now free to burn in Oakland California. I realize burning the American flag, is legal and is viewed as an expression of free speech which is protected under the first amendment of the constitution, I will confess to you however, I think that is taking personal  liberty,  much further the the founding fathers intended. There was a time in this country especially during World War II a person could be put in jail, for burning the American flag . I must confess, sometimes, I wish that was still the case! As far as I am concerned, when you burn the American flag,  you in essence, spit on the graves of all of our brave men and women who have ever fought in any war defending the American flag and the principals and freedoms our American flag represents. I feel as an American who loves this country, if you care so little for this country, and as a result,  have no problem burning the American flag. I think such an act should be considered an act of treason, and your citizenship should then be permanently revoked and you should be forced to leave the country.
  Look we already have someone purposing a fine be imposed if some one sings The Star Spangled Banner in a disrespectful way. I don't know if this proposed legislation, will ever pass in congress but I like the idea. Look, if these occupy protesters hate American enough to burn our flag, they need to be expelled from our country after all,  no one ever said you had to live in America. Like that old country song by Merle Haggard, says, when your running down my country your walking on the fighting side of me. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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