Wednesday, January 25, 2012

America Is Back?

  I heard President Obama,  give the State of the Union,  address last night. I will confess, I didn't expect to hear anything new  from President Obama. I can report to you I expected nothing new and I heard nothing new. I guess,  President Obama, if  nothing else,  is at least,  consistent. Don't worry, if  you missed the speech,  you didn't miss much and  if  you heard  the speech,  you didn't learn much. Oh,  President Obama's delivery was masterful indeed, in  fact, if  there was a contest to see who could give the best speech I have no doubt, President Obama,  would win hands down after all,  no one loves to hear President Obama speak more than he does!
  President Obama,  says,  America,  is back in fact,  he says,  if  any one tells you anything different, they don't know what they're talking about. I have to wonder at this point, what he's talking about. Perhaps, the president,  thinks America,  is back from the economic dead. I don't think so. Last time I checked America, was nearly 16 trillion dollars in debt.and 5 trillion dollars of  that debt  can be credited to the Obama presidency, not that that's anything to be proud of. Perhaps,  the president,  thinks America,  has solved it's unemployment problem, no,  wait ... that can't be it  America's unemployment rate is still 8.6 percent and that's just the number they are reporting, there are thousands of  people who have left the work force all together and have given up on looking for work. This doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment to me. I know,  maybe,  the president, is happy to have our spending under control. No, wait a minute... that can't be it one third of the nations unemployed have been receiving unemployment benefits for two years or more. Social Security,  now sends out more money than it takes in and both Medicare and Social Security,  are on the brink of  total collapse. Perhaps,  the president, forgot to mention that last night. I know he certainly didn't lay out,  any plan to fix Medicare or Social Security. Oh wait.. that's right,  he is going to increase the tax rate on the rich, to at least thirty percent, Some how,  this doesn't seem fair to me considering 47 percent of the American people don't even pay takes, the top two percent pay 38 percent of  the nation's taxes, This means the other 51 percent of  the American people,  pay 62 percent of the nation's taxes. Something seems very unfair about this but.. that's just me. Hey! I know,  America,  is back and no longer dependant on foreign oil. Yeah! that's it! That's why,  President Obama,  cancelled  plans to build the Key Stone pipe line after all, Iran,  isn't really threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz,  are they?  Maybe, President Obama,  thinks America,  has improved as far as the nation's  national security is concerned, no doubt,  this is why he brought all the troops home from Iraq and continues  the troop draw down  in Afghanistan. I mean... it's not like Iran or Korea, are  on the verge of  developing nuclear weapons or anything  right? President Obama, says,  more countries respect the United  States now,  then ever before, I guess,  they have to considering most of  the countries of  Europe,  are now dependant on the United States,  for their economic survival just ask Greece, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, England, and Ireland how much they respect the United States, of course,  dependence,  is far different from  real respect. I'm sure China,  really respects the United States not to mention Japan. I'm sure they can't wait to lend  the United States,  more money so the  government,  can raise the debt ceiling.
  When I consider politics, I realize there is the truth, and then their is the political truth, that politicians try to sell  to the American people.  The one, usually,   has very little to do with the other. President Obama,  is just another liberal politician trying  to get reelected. President Obama,  says, America is back, I think however, America, has her economic back up  against the wall. President Obama, tries to tell the American people differently,   but,  frankly, I don't think,   President Obama, knows what he's talking about. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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