Friday, January 6, 2012

Is America Still The Greatest Nation On Earth?

  Not long ago, I overheard a father talking to his son. The son, asked the father this question.'Dad is America, still the greatest nation on Earth?' The father's reply made my blood almost run cold. The father thought a for a moment and then replied.'Son, I can not say, for sure anymore but, I know America used to be.' I thought for along time about what that father had said. I wondered why he answered his son's question with such doubt. Now, I think I may know the reason why the father had answered his question in that particular way.
  Consider this,  America is fifteen trillion dollars in debt and even now President Obama, is preparing to ask Congress to raise the nation's debt ceiling another one point six trillion dollars as soon as  Congress returns from their holiday break and it's a pretty sure bet the debt ceiling is going to be raised. America,  will then be sixteen point six trillion dollars in debt. America now has a debt to GDP  ratio  over 100 percent. America now borrows  forty one cents of every dollar to finance the country's budget. The President,  responds, to this budget crisis by cutting present military spending by 450 billion dollars over the next ten years. The President,  makes this decision in spite of the all too real threat from Iran who at this moment may be only months or weeks from completely developing a nuclear weapon. Korea, may also restart their nuclear development program. Syria, is in total cooperation with Iran, who knows what that country may do. America's oil supply has recently been threatened by Iran. Greece Italy, Spain England and Ireland are on the brink of total economic collapse. The United States,  credit rating has been downgraded and  there are  threats from the Moody's credit rating agency, to down grade the United States again. Manufacturing is way down and the US is forced to import more and more manufactured goods from other countries like China, Japan, and Germany. The nation's unemployment rate still stands at eight point five percent thirteen million people are still unemployed and another 170 thousand just stopped looking for work last month. The nation's Social Security and  Medicare programs are bankrupt and are probably being financed by borrowing from China. Obama care,  threatens to further strain the nation's economy beginning in 2014 unless it is struck down by the Supreme Court.Occupy protesters crowd the nations streets demanding America give them even more.I am totally convinced that President Obama is more concerned with his own reelection and looks to  the needs of this country only when he thinks it will benefit his chances for reelection. This is the primary reason he pulled most of the American troops out of Iraq even as the violence in that county is beginning to escalate.  Students in Japan and  China have continually academically out preformed  students  in the United States particularly in the areas of reading math and Science for a large number of years now. America's public schools are controlled by secular teachers who belong to the all too powerful Teacher's union, as a result many of the nations public schools are an academic mess! Perhaps  the worst of America's problems is the all too evident decline in the moral standards which once were  the very foundation of this country. Each day it seems America,  is becoming less and less of  a  nation under God, and more and more of a secular nation with no need for God.
  Look,  I love America,  and she is still a good country, but I wonder if she can ever truly be great again. I pray that America will return to the God that once guided her and made her great. When America decides to return to the moral principals she was founded upon then, and only then will  America,  be on the path  that will  once again make America, the greatest  nation on Earth. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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