My father, once told me if you find your self in a verbal battle with some one remember this if you have to resort to sarcasm to verbally cut some one down to make yourself look good, that says a lot about the kind of person you really are and you end up looking really bad. I have to tell you, even though I admire many of Newt Gingrich's qualities and respect a lot of what Rick Perry says he believes, lately, I am some what disappointed in both of them.
I can understand how good men can disagree on an issue in politics but when Newt Gingrich says, he's going to run a positive campaign and then does to Mitt Romney, the very same thing he says, Mitt Romney, is doing to him, I have to ask myself, how does verbally attacking Mitt Romney and distorting his record make Newt Gingrich, look better? When Rick Perry, calls Mitt Romney, a capitalistic vulture how does that make him look better? The answer is simple, it doesn't it just makes both men look like sore losers! Rick Perry, claims to be a man of deep Christian faith but he sure seems rather unkind to call a fellow Republican a capitalistic vulture. President Ronald Reagan, always said, 'Never speak ill, of another fellow Republican.' I wonder what he would say to his fellow Republicans now? When Newt Gingrich, or Rick Perry, verbally attack Mitt Romney, in this manner, they sound like the liberal Democrats and that is the last thing as a conservative Republican, I would ever want to sound like! We already have a deeply divided country we don't need a deeply divided Republican Party. I think the head of the Republican National Committee, should tell these gentlemen to stick to the issues at hand and discuss, their political differences on real issues, the American people will decide who is the best qualified Republican to run against President Obama. Right now, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich just sound like children whining for attention and it's gonna take a lot more than that to beat President Obama. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.
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