Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wow! How Did He Do That?

  I imagine Governor Mitt Romy, is scratching his head in amazement wondering how Newt Gingrich, beat him so soundly in South Carolina. I believe there are three basic reasons why Newt Gingrich was able to win. First, Newt Gingrich, did not run or try to cover up his past therefore,  when it was brought to the forefront to use against him it did not have the desired affect. Since Speaker Gingrich,  had already admitted his past mistakes and ask American voters in South Carolina, to forgive him and give him a second chance the voters in South Carolina, decided to give him one.
  Secondly,Speaker Gingrich, released his income taxes just before the South Carolina, primary. this decision gave Speaker Gingrich a key advantage in the last debate. When Speaker Gingrich was asked when was he going to release his taxes to the public he was able to say he had released  them just an hour before the debate. Governor Romney, was not able to say that and further more he acted as though he was a man with something to hide and this perception placed Governor Romney, in an awkward position to say the least.
  Finally, I think Speaker Gingrich,  won the debate frankly,  because he expresses the emotions and frustrations of the American people. When Speaker Gingrich, was put on the sport by Juan Williams, concerning Speaker Gingrich remarks about President Obama being the food stamp president, Speaker Gingrich,  didn't run and hide instead,  he stood and delivered! To say that Speaker Gingrich, made Juan Williams,  look foolish is an understatement. The Speaker,  rose to the occasion  again when CNN's John King, had the nerve to ask about an ABC interview regarding Speaker Gingrich's former wife. Once again Speaker Gingrich, stood his ground and systematically, verbally ran CNN's John King into the ground. Governor Romney, speaks but his words don't make you want to listen because there no fire behind them. His words,  don't seem to the ability to inspire folks to get be hind him. Therefore,  he often seems rather ordinary at best. The voters in South Carolina, knew that if you were going to out smart a sly fox like President Obama, you have to send Some one like Speaker Gingrich,  up against him, because it takes a fox to out smart a fox! Speaker Gingrich, is just the man for the job. I don't know about you,  but I'm sure looking forward to the next debate. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just,  some words to think on.

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