Saturday, January 14, 2012

Has America, Ever, Really Said, Thank You, Enough?

  I found my self on You Tube last night and I was enjoying some clips from various news programs that were showing. Families with very happy faces  were meeting returning men and women who had come home from Iraq. I was filled with such joy as I watched small children hug their daddy some for the first time. I saw happy young women hug their returning servicemen. One soldier even got down on one knee and purposed to his girlfriend right there in the airport fresh off the plane after  coming home from Iraq. I really enjoyed seeing so many happy faces!
  Then I saw another clip but this one was so different a widow was being honored she had recently lost her husband in Iraq she had a five year old girl standing beside her. There  was to be no happy homecoming for them. While this brave widow was being honored at a dinner of sorts,  one of her friends asked her, What do you do when your little girl ask where daddy is? The widow answered I tell her  "God took daddy to Heaven,  and now he is watching over both of us.""I  told her, she  can talk to Daddy in her prayers." The widow says,  sometimes,  the little girl appears to be talking to herself,  but,  if she is asked,  who she is talking to she will say,  "I am talking to my daddy in Heaven because mommy says, he watches over both of us."  I will tell you right now,  I wiped more than one tear from my eye. Then,  I happened to think,  there are many men and women in America every day,  who put their lives on the line and very often they never receive even so much as a thank you from anyone. Each day in this country,  fireman, policeman security personal forest rangers highway patrolman, and Us border patrolman all go to work each day and there  is always a chance, they won't come back home at the end of the day. I want to thank all  the brave men and  women who serve in our military. I want to thank the families who know all to well the pain that comes when you have had to make the ultimate sacrifice for your country. I pray American troops won't have to go back into Iraq, I would hate to think our brave servicemen, and women who served there died in vain. I also want to says thanks to US border patrolman like Brian Terry,  who died because he dared to do his job! I want to thank brave park Rangers like Margaret Anderson,  who was killed in the line of duty working in Mount Rainier  National Park. I want to thank every fireman,  and every kind of policemen,  and women and all  who work in any type  of security,  that could place their life at risk. May God,  bless,  each  and everyone of  them and their families. I pray I will always remember and be thankful for the faithful  but often thankless job brave men and women such as these,  do everyday. I wonder, can we as   Americans,   ever really say thank you enough? as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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