Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Choice

  The other day I heard a friend of mine say something that chilled me to the bone. What he said basically was this, "I don't know who to vote for all politicians are corrupt so I may just stay home as a conservative and just not vote!" When he said that then I told him congratulations, because if every conservative republican, feels the way you do and chooses to stay home and not vote then President Obama,  will be the happiest man in the world because he most certainly will then get reelected. I went on to say, that if that happens that will bring further economic doom to this county and the damage may be beyond repair.
  Look, I don;t know who is going to be the republican nominee for president when the primary process is completed. The primary vote in South Carolina, may give us a better idea, who the republican nominee is going to be. I must say to you even if the final republican nominee is not your favorite, for heaven's sake as a conservative who loves this country please show up in November and vote! Make no mistake the very future of our country is at stake. Do we as a county want to continue on the economic path that will make us more like the countries of Europe? I hope not I pray most Americans will vote to return to economic sanity. I hope America chooses to return to a math of economic responsibility be choosing to make the tough choices that must be made. The debt must be dealt with across the board and that includes entitlement programs like medicare and social security. I know it won't be easy sacrifices never are but we as Americans, must be prepared to face hard economic facts and the sooner the better! Any republican running right now is still much better than what we have now. I would say to any one among conservative  voters, please remember if  you choose to stay home and not vote because you don't like any of the republican choices, you will then be indirectly helping President Obama, get reelected. I would ask you , can you live with that? Remember this, some one has said, all that is need for evil to conquer is for good men to do nothing.I would submit to you as a conservative, if  you don;t vote then you choose to do nothing now conservative republican,  and independent voters  the choice is yours. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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