Friday, January 13, 2012

Nothing Is Right, If You Have No Rights!

  Ben Franklin once said, 'those who would trade freedom for security will soon find they have neither.' I believe he would still feel that way if  he knew about the National Defense Authorization Act. President Obama signed this bill on Christmas Eve. He says,  he signed it to help members of the military. Well he helped the military all right! He helped the Military strip Americans of their basic rights under The Bill of Rights. The National Defense Authorization Act basically says, our military can indefinitely detain and hold any US citizen they suspect of  being involved in terrorism against the United States. The bill also says US citizens can be held without counsel and the bill seems to suggest a US citizen can be held until the military determines if  that citizen is a security threat to the United States no matter how long that may take.
  This bill may sound like a good idea to some but consider this we have a legal practice in this country called  due process this basically means when an American citizen is taken in to custody they have the right to legal counsel they have the right to be informed of the charges that are being made against them. They have the right of a speedy trial by jury. under the National Defense Authorization Act it appears that all of a US citizens basic rights are indefinitely suspended until the military decides that the US citizen is not a terrorist plotting against the United States. This seems a bit strange I always thought that a person was deemed to be innocent in this country until proven guilty in a court of  law. I am generally, no fan  of the ACLU but they are very much against this law and  as much as I hate to say it I think they're right on this one. I don't agree with Ron Paul on many issues but he calls the National  Defense Authorization Act, 'A step into tyranny.' I think he is right. Americans need to decide just how much  freedom they are  willing to give up in the name of  security. The day may come when just like Ben Franklin warned, Americans find they  have neither! as always my friends these thoughts remain, just, some words,

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