Sunday, January 15, 2012

Does America Need To Be Leaner?

  Well, here we are two weeks into the new year and I just wonder,  how many people who made New Year's   Resolutions to go on a diet and loose weight are still on their diet? I just bet a lot of folks have already gone off thrir diets at least while others claim to be on a diet but they cheat on their diets quite often. I hate to go on diets so I don't even if there is such a thing as diet ice cream, or even diet pizza I'm sure I don't want it! I do admit, it's a good idea to loose excess weight you  will  be healthier and leaner and meaner as they say.
  The US economy needs to get into better shape the Nations federal budget certainly, needs to be trimmed down. This nation is carrying the excess weight of a 15 trillion dollar debt and Uncle Sam,  is certainly staggering under the load. President Obama, says he wants to make our miltary leaner by some 450 billion dollars over the next ten years but that kind of leaner is just another word for weaker to me. President Obama talks about cutting Government waste by combinning several goverment departments into one Goverment agency to improve Government efficiency. Sounds like a good idea but it's only a drop in the bucket  especially when you consider the fact that President Obama, just asked Congress to increase the nations debt ceiling another one point two trillion dollars. Doesn't sound like any mayjor budget trimming is really going on to me.
  Several countries in Europe are going to have to operate on a leaner budget because their credit rating has been downgraded by Standard and Poors these countries include Portugal, Spain, Austria,Cyprus,Malta, Slovak Republic, Italy,  France, and Slovenia. Standard and Poors is threatening to down grade the US again unless some real government budget cuts are not put into action very soon we can look firward to another downgrade and that will make borrowing money much harder to do. Right now our nations economy is going through some real lean times and lately, the only thing getting thinner and leaner is my wallet. as alwats, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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