Saturday, April 7, 2012

Often The Wrong Path Is The Path Of Least Resistance.

  I have recently had the pleasure of being bit by a spider and the antibiotics I am taking often make me feel drained drowsy and down right lazy. My daughter,  is a very intelligent hard working student in school. Like most children however, she is tempted to take the path of least resistance when it comes to getting her home work done. Sometimes, I tell her every once in a while we all get bitten by the lazy bug.
  I am greatly concerned for our nation , I fear that many Americans today have been bitten by the lazy bug and it's poisonous venom,  just like a spider's bite,  has  spread all through our nations culture. The philosophy of taking the path of least resistance is demonstrated when a person refuses a study job because they decide the can make more drawing unemployment. I heard a man say on the news recently "I don't want a job,  I want a career and if I can't have a career then I just want some more of Obama's  free money!"When you have members of the GSA,  an organization in our government dancing and making a video because they are proud of the fact that their job permits them to rob American, taxpayers blind and then boldly proclaim it will never be investigated,no wonder  their are so many Americans, who are tempted to say,"They're getting away with it so why shouldn't I."
  The truth is,  the path of least  resistance is often the wrong path.The path of least resistance in every case throughout history, has always been the path the leads to the ultimate destruction of a culture a civilization or a nation, even the Bible,  points out that there is a way that seems right to a man or in this case a nation, but the end there of is the way of death. I fear that for too long now many in America, have grown accustomed to the path of least resistance that path I fear will lead to the destruction of America as a nation. As Always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words to think on.

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