Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A New Hope And Change May Be On The Way.

  With  Governor Mitt Romney's five primary state sweep last night his GOP nomination for President is secure. As I listened to his speech last night, I noticed a new confidence in Mitt Romney, that I had not seen before. I had a better sense of where he wants to take the country. I heard for the fist time Romney's response to Obama's call for fairness. I would submit there are a lot of things that Obama, has done that are unfair. First,  whats fair about adding five trillion dollars to the national debt over the last three years? The national debt now stands at sixteen trillion dollars.What's fair about asking America's future generations to pay a debt they did not make? Secondly, Whats fair about asking the wealthy to pay more in taxes when forty nine percent of the American people do not pay any? Thirdly,  What's fair about taking the  American taxpayers money to invest  countless millions of dollars in solar companies that go bankrupt? I don't remember the President even asking the American people's permission to do this, do you? Fourthly,  What's fair about letting people buy homes they clearly knew they could not afford? The housing crisis, has indeed caused many fore closures but it has also caused many houses in America, to go down in resale value what's fare about that? Finally, what's fair about having to pay high gas prices? There are places in America, right now where gas is nearly six dollars a gallon and many Americans, can't even afford to travel or take a vacation, whats fair about that? President Obama ran on hope and change in 2008 but I have run out of hope that he will ever be able to really change anything! The only experience  Obama, has had at running anything is his mouth and  this nations economy and respect in to the ground! Yes, I would have to say he's done an excellent job doing that in fact, Obama, as far as Presidents go is the most successful failure I have ever seen in my life time.
  Mitt Romney,  offered the nation what I thought was a real chance for new hope and real change. A chance for out of work Americans,  to earn a pay check instead  of waiting for food stamps and an unemployment check. A chance for a young couple starting out to be able to buy a house that will appreciate in value when it comes time to sell it. Remember, when It was okay to be proud to be an American? I think Mitt Romney, wants to help America, regain the respect she deserves. A chance to restore this nations economy so that all Americans can be better off then they have been over the last three years and just about any positive changes, that Mitt Romney could make would be better than what we have now. I'm tired of the President always apologizing for my country. The only thing about America, I an sorry about is that she has a President,  who has only been successful at blaming others or making excuses for his failed Presidency. I guess one could say. Obama, has really been a sorry excuse for a  President. There is however one aspect of Obama's hope and change that I hope will come to pass. I along with most Americans I think  hope Obama, has to chance his address after November's election! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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