Like many Americans, I get so tired of hearing the latest news from Washington, regarding the latest scandal to come out of the White House, concerning some department in our nation's government. Sometimes it seems there is a new scandal all most every day. I know, that those involved in the Secret Service, or the GSA or the latest green initiative project to go bankrupt, will be dealt with if only because the American public has been made aware of it because of the ample media coverage on these subjects. I guess, John Adams, was also aware of the need for the public, to be informed of the affairs of government. He said it this way, "Liberty, can not be preserved, without a general knowledge among the people."
I agree with John Adams, The press, and the media, are always saying, the public, has a right to know. The question I found mt self asking is, what happens when the American, people have been made aware of the serious problems facing this nation yet many Americans, and few, in our government it seems, are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to do anything about them?
The American, people know that this country is broke. I hear all most every day about our nations nearly 16 trillion national debt. The Democrats, in the Senate certainly are aware of this financial crisis, yet, for three years now they have put forth no fiscal budget and I don't hear many Americans, demanding that they do so even though it is required by law, that a government budget be draw up each April. The American people are surely aware that this nation's two biggest entitlements namely, Social Security, and Medicare are going broke, and if truth be told their broke all ready. I look but I see know one among the American people saying they would be willing to suffer even the slightest cut in either of these two entitlement programs. Forty nine percent of the people in this country pay no taxes, but I am sure many Americans, would march in protest if those Americans who currently pay no taxes were suddenly, ask by the government to pay even the smallest amount in new taxes on their entitlement income. I feel, that since Americans, are aware of the massive financial problems this country is facing the American, people have a moral responsibility to demand that the leaders in our government be financially responsible. I have to be honest, I don't look for that to happen any time soon. The truth is many in America, like things just the way they are. I heard some one say in the news just recently, "I don't want a job, "I just want some more of Obama's free money." That kind of thinking will lead to this nations total economic collapse. I wonder, when this nation's economy finally collapses because of the majority of the American, people's apathy and indifference in general, just who among the American people, will be willing to accept the moral responsibility for it? As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.
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