Sunday, April 15, 2012

Often The Bottom, Can Be A New Start.

  I heard a man say the other day that he would love to have a new job. He then said,  the reason he would not start a new job was because he didn't want to start out at the bottom. I understood what he meant but I couldn't help thinking to myself, sometimes,   the bottom,  is the only place one can start and very often the bottom,  can be a place for a new start or a new beginning. I saw a bumper sticker recently that said "When your tired of doing things over maybe you'll decide  to do it right the first time!" I admit at first glance those words seem real cleaver but I would submit  to you sometimes,  in  life all you can do is start over.
  Speaking from my own experience as a Christian, there have been times, when I have really messed up. There have been times in my life when I thought I had everything under control and then of course pride develops  and not long after that I find I don't seek God's wisdom and soon things just fall a part in my life and I say things I shouldn't or do things I shouldn't and if I continue to seek my own way and rely on my own wisdom sooner or later spiritually speaking I find my self at rock bottom. I find as a Christian, all I can do is humble myself confess my sin of pride and complacency to God,  and then It's as if God says, now that you have come to the end of yourself and reached  rock bottom now I can teach you and we'll start right here at the bottom and if you yield your will to me there  is now limit to how far I will raise you up. I am so comforted as a Christian, that when I mess up in my life and at times hit rock bottom and I tell God,  I'm sorry that once again, that's where I have to start. I'm glad it doesn't matter where God found me. He just puts his arms around me and says I still love you my son, from the bottom of my heart. As always,  my friends, these thoughts remain,  just some words to think on.

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