Thursday, September 8, 2011

No America, There Is No Santa Clause

  A few months a go, I had to tell my daughter, the truth that all children have to know sooner or later there is no Santa Clause. I'm happy to report see took the news well,  and I think she's going to be just fine. I couldn't help but think however, this is the same truth,  Americans must learn. Government is not Santa Clause! As Americans,  we can't constantly,  submit our wish list to the government, and then expect the government to come up with a spending program to grant our every wish like we expected Santa Clause to do when we were children. The time has come,  for spoiled Americans,  to grow up,  and face some grim realities! The government,  doesn't have orchards of money trees,  spending programs in order to be funded, must be paid for! As my Dad used to say, 'If you go to the dance, sooner or later,  you gotta pay the fiddler.' Well,  our fiddlers in China,  are waiting to be paid. Americans seem reluctant, to talk about entitlement cuts. To me,  the choice is clear, Americans must prepare themselves, for entitlement cuts now,or have entitlements be cut off later. I fear,  that day may  even be sooner,  than the government's  estimate of 2036.
  I have seen clips from  the recent, Republican Presidential Debate. I am not so concerned,  with which candidate had the best one liners or who got the most zingers, or jabs in on their fellow candidates. I am more concerned with which candidate is willing to stand,  and take the heat, and make the federal budget cuts that are necessary,  for America's economic survival.  Will seniors,  and the disabled,  feel better when the government says,  there is no more money? If Americans don't learn to cut back, government entitlements will soon be cut off. Americans must face the economic reality, government, is not Santa Clause. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on..

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