Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fake Parents

  I heard a story on the news  recently, that really troubles me. It seems, a mother entered her four year old daughter,  in a beauty pageant. To be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of these types  of events  especially,  for young children. apparently,  for whatever reason, the little girl needed to dress like Dolly Parton. I have nothing personally, against Miss Parton however, I don't think any,  four year old needs to have her out fit enhanced,  with fake breast and a fake backside,  in order to look like Dolly Parton..  another outfit,  worn at the pageant was so outrageous,  that it made the contestant,  look like a prostitute. Having these types  of  Images pushed on our children,  at such an early, and impressionable age,  I  have to tell you,  I find this, unacceptable as a parent. I believe that parents who permit this,  are irresponsible,  to say the least, and as parents are about as fake, as the breast,  and backside,  the parent,  stuffed,  the the little girls outfit  with. I feel this way because, those  parents who enter their children in these beauty pageants do this only for their own financial advancement with no thought,  of the possible,  psychological and emotional damage that could seriously affect the development of their children's personality.

  Our society places too much pressures on little girls to grow up too fast as it is. Between television, movies, shopping malls, Barbie dolls, and fashion models and pier pressure from other girlfriends, your little girl's childhood innocence doesn't stand a chance. I have a nine year old daughter who often talks as if she is nineteen. I have to remind her however that she is only nine. Can you imagine, the fun I'm going to have when she turns about fourteen? Wow! it scares me just to think about it!! As parents, if we are not careful, our children will grow up too fast  with a fake perception of reality. That is why we as a society don't need adolescent  adults to become fake parents. We need solid parents to teach our young girls what is important,  is the values they  develop,  on the inside,  and not, rushing, physical development on the outside. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain just some words, to think on.  

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