Friday, September 2, 2011

The Easiest Club To Join.

  Hey! have you heard? There's a new club to join. Membership is free,  and apparently,  you don't have to meet any qualifications,  except one. What is that qualification? All you have to do is.  disagree with any,  aspect of President Obama's liberal socialist spending agenda,  and you become an automatic member of  The Racist Club. You don't need any experience to join this club. You don't  even have to have any kind of resume to prove you've had a history of  being a  racist. There are many ways to gain membership in this club. One way to be granted a life time membership in this club is,  to make it known.  that you support,  the Tea Party in any fashion, once this is known among liberals,   you'll gain automatic lifetime membership in The Racist Club. I'm sure, Indiana's Democratic Congressman  Andre Carson,  will be more than happy,  to give you his personal recommendation,  for lifetime membership. I am confident, that Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters,  will second the motion for your membership,  should you need a second vote. Recently, Congressman Carson stated in a meeting of  the  Black Caucus,  that he believed,  many in Congress,  and the members of the Tea Party in general, wanted African Americans to be considered,  second class citizens The Congressman, further stated,  there was a desire among many in the Congress, and the Tea Party to return n to the days of Jim Crow policies and the Congressman also stated,  many in the Congress , and the Tea in particular,  would like to see his fellow African Americans,  and his  fellow Caucus  members,  hanging from trees. Wow! What a broad,  assumption, from a Congressman with such a narrow,  mind! Here is another sure fire way to be granted lifetime membership in The Racist Club, all you have to do is,  let it be known in liberal circles, that, you don't believe in global warming, just sharing this opinion among the liberal elite, will assure your lifetime membership in The Racist Club. Recently, Vice President Al Gore stated,  that the liberals must win the conversation on global warming.The Vice president went on to say, that those who don't believe in global warming, are basically,  fostering,  a better, brand of racism. I have to admit to you, I can understand why,  Vice President Gore believes in global warming, all you have to do is hear him speak,  and you'll soon realize that Vice President Gore is not much more than,  a big bag of  hot air! Perhaps , I am too hard on the Vice President  After all, he did,  invent the internet you know, although,  no one's been able to prove that either!
  Look, I realize there will always be pockets of racism even in this great country of ours.I don't believe however, that anyone should be branded a racist,  just because,  they dare,  disagree with someone's liberal political opinion after all, freedom of speech,  and the right, of political dissent, are two  of  the  many  factors,  that make  America,  so great in the first place. I will never apologize for the right to express my own opinion, even if, it differs from those with a liberal point of view, and I will not tolerate,  being branded a racist simply because,  I don't agree with a liberal  viewpoint, and neither my friend,  should you. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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