Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Must Not Forget!

  You know there are just some days in America's history that have left a permanent impression on the social consciousness of the American people. Almost anyone alive at the time can tell you where they were and what they were doing December 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked Peal Harbour and thrust America into World War Two. November 22, 1963 is another day that time as it were came to a complete stand still. I find however, that anyone who is old enough to remember that day can tell you exactly where they were and just what they were doing when the first heard the news that President John F Kennedy, had been assassinated September 11,2001 is another day that everything in America,  suddenly changed and any person you may ask can tell you just where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news that the twin towers of the World Trade Center had been brought down by two planes crashing into the buildings and nearly everyone remembers seeing people run for their lives as the towers fell. Americans found themselves in shock that day as everyone watched thousands of people place missing flyer's up of lost loved  ones.The terrible loss of life on this day totaled nearly 3000 people 2983 to be exact.
  Well eleven years have past and although life does have a tendency to go on as it were I think it is very important that American s never forget the lessons learned on nine eleven. Remember how for a while after nine eleven there were no democrats or republicans we were all Americans, united with a promise that we would get the terrorist who had done such a terrible act of violence on totally innocent people.I have to wonder, why does it take something awful like the tragedy of nine eleven to remind us that we are all Americans,  first and regardless politics or  political affiliation there are times when everyone must work together  for the good of the country.
  Right now,  America, faces  the most critical election she has ever had  in the 236 years this country has existed as a nation.Here is what I mean if Obama,  should manage to get reelected on January 1 2013 the nations defense budget will be cut by 500 billion dollars over ten years leaving our military at it's lowest level since Word War Two. America, is already 16 trillion dollars in debt and 1.6 trillion dollars is the average amount that has been added to the debt over the last four years since Obama, took office in January of 2009 if he is reelected and spends the same amount over the next four years the national debt would be  22 trillion dollars or more. How secure  can Americans,  feel if the the nations military is reduced to levels so low that it can not meet America's defense needs? America, certainly won't remain the greatest nation on the face of the earth if the nations economy totally collapses. I believe if Americans,  are not careful they could very easily be setting themselves up for another possible terrorist attack for no one in this country will be totally secure  from attacks from other countries if our military is too weak to defend us and the nations economy collapses from the weight of financial debt. I urge  everyone to vote for Romney,  on November 6, 2012 in a very real sense it could be a matter of national security and may very well determine the future of this nation The lesson of nine eleven must never be forgotten America, must remain militarily strong and economically sound and I believe electing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is the best way to accomplish this objective. As Always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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