Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Lie, Is A Lie, No Matter Who Tells It!

  As I think back on the speeches I heard on TV during  the Democratic National Convention, I recall, former president Bill Clinton's speech and how he defended Obama's job performance as president. Clinton made the case that no president could have fixed the economy in just three years time. He praised Obama for his success in passing Obama care something Hilary could not do in the nineties will Bill Clinton was president. I will admit the former president is an eloquent speaker and he has a natural flair for explaining things in such a slick way no doubt many liberal Americans,  were quite taken with him. I was not The fact that Clinton,  can candy coat Obama's policy failures better than Obama,  can simply indicates that Clinton,  can tell a lie better than Obama,  can but a lie is still a lie no matter who is telling it! Remember every good lie usually has at least a small grain of truth in it.Obama care,  allows parents to keep the children on their policy until they reach twenty six.Obama care,  doesn't allow health  insurance companies the right to deny coverage because of preexisting conditions these are too provisions that most anyone would appreciate but then the lies begin. Obama,  says,  if you like your present health care provider you can keep it  however this is not exactly true here is why if a person's health care provider can not stay in business because of all the new government health care regulations that insurance company will have to go out of business and if this happens to most or all of the present health insurance companies then only the very wealthy will be able to afford health care coverage even many large corporations are considering dropping health insurance from there benefits packages. The reason is simple Obama has always wanted a single payer health care system  if his policy regulations drive all the other insurance companies out of business because they can not compete with massive over regulations from the government then the government will offer their own single payer plan of insurance and businesses will gladly drop what ever they were offering in favor of  the governments single payer system. Obama,  was unable to force this idea on the American people through the front door of Obama care but through eventual over government business and health insurance company regulation he will be able to get his desire of a single payer health care system through the back door so to speak.
  Obama, and especially Clinton,  remind me a lot of the devil,  who took the form of a serpent in Genesis chapter three. Remember the serpent told Eve,  if she ate of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she would be like God,  because she would  know good from evil. That much was true and when Eve told the devil that God said, that both she and Adam would surely die the devil  said,   that they would not surely die and that was true to an existent. God  said,  they would surely die he did not say right away! God meant eventual physical death both Adam and Eve had been created by God and they were designed to live forever but be cause they sinned and both ate the forbidden fruit their bodies began to decay and 931 years later Adam did die 931 years is a long time by today's standards but 931 years is nothing to God,  he is eternal and not bound by time or the laws of nature. the lesson here is simple listening to the lies of the devil may sound good and even have an element of truth in them but listening to the devil and his lies were bad for mankind's  health. Listening to Obama or a slick lying lawyer like president Clinton,  is bad for this nations health Obama's economic policies are slowing destroying the foundation of this country no matter how eloquently Clinton,  may spin it! Remember,  a lie is a lie no mater who tells it! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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