Friday, September 14, 2012

America, A Future In Crisis.

  I watch the news nearly everyday.I'm almost afraid to listen to the news each day. Lately, it seems everywhere you look America,  is facing a crisis of one kind or another. I wonder what new American embassy in the middle east will come under attack today? Let's see. I don't think we've heard from Iran or Iraq,  yet. Syria, hasn't chimed in yet either  but then again the day isn't over yet!I hate to say this but this kind of foreign policy disaster is what happens when you elect a Mickey Mouse,  president,  my apologies to Micky Mouse! Barack Obama,  is an utter failure as president he is weak and indecisive and the Muslims, in the middle east know this they know the US is leaving Afghanistan,  in 2014 and they are just waiting until the US leaves and then who knows what will happen.
  On the economic front the government  has just decided to flood the nation with money to the tune of  85 billion dollars a month until 2015 or until the economy picks up.This plan makes no since to me but then again you have to realize we are dealing with liberals here and with them intelligence is optional! Gas,  is approaching four dollars a gallon right now some have suggested that five dollars a gallon will soon be here. The polls show Obama, a head in many of the battle ground  states Ohio,  Florida,  and Virgina among them. Romney, seems to hold a slight edge in the national polls.
  Americans, are going to have to decide if they want four more years of a  Mickey Mouse,  president, which will almost certainly assure the financial ruin of this nation or take a chance that maybe,  just maybe Mitt Romney,  an accomplishes businessman with a knack for making money and a history of  helping other companies make money might know how to get this country out of the financial mess America, finds her self in right now. The way I see it, Romney, will most certainly be a better president than Obama,  if only because we have already seen what the worst president in American history can do! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain,  just some words,  to think on.

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