Thursday, September 6, 2012

God, Can Relax, Now Clinton, and Obama, Are Here!

  I did not watch a great deal of the Democratic National Convention  last evening.I have seen news clips from the convention however and from what I saw I must say the liberal democrats, and their reluctance to acknowledge God,  and Israel,  in the democratic platform,  was quite revealing. Only after key democrats saw the potential political damage that could be done to their cause by such an omission did Obama,  insist that the words God and Jerusalem be put back in the democratic party's  plat form. I saw the floor vote on this measure at the convention and I have to say, I'm not sure that their weren't more no votes than yes votes the fact that the vote had to be taken three times I thought was certainly pathetic! Some,  have suggested the vote was taken just for show and that Obama, basically ordered the convention officials to but the words God, and Jerusalem, back into the party's platform.
  The truth is it doesn't matter if God,  is mentioned in the democratic platform or not God,  doesn't need the democrats,  to acknowledge his existence. God,  has always existed and he will exist long after all the democratic delegates at the convention are dead and gone The problem is many in America,  don't acknowledge God,  in their day to day thinking anymore.Patrick Henry, saw this particular omission as troubling and he expressed his concerns with the following quote; "It is when people forget God, that tyrants, forge their chains." Patrick Henry,  knew that the way  Americans,  thought about God, would affect American society as a whole. .He makes this point quite clear with the following words ; "Bad men, cannot make good citizens.""A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience is incompatible with freedom." The Bible,  is full of examples of what can happen to a nation that doesn't acknowledge him or seek his guidance.
  President Clinton. for all his political elegance, could not explain the reasons for Obama's many failures he could say only that he nor any other president before him could have solved the nations serious economic problems. I suppose that gives Obama, a pass on his failure as president and continued permission to keep acting in a way that is far from mature and economically responsible. The fact of the matter is there will always be those in America, who like getting something for nothing. The question then becomes do these type of people make up a majority of the American people? The answer to this question will ultimately, decide America's next president and if the answer is yes Obama's reelection is assured if the answer is no and a majority of the American,  people,  want responsible government and a return to fiscal economic sanity and personal responsibility, then Romney will be the nation's next president. I suppose only the results of the next election will decide the answer to this all important  question. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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