Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Round Two Romney.

  Wow! Just when you think politics, can't get more interesting another shoe drops as it were and the political plot thickens. Mitt Romney, by all accounts, has had a bit of bad luck because of some off the cuff remarks that were made  at a Florida,  fundraiser this past May. As I see it Romney,  was only trying  to say that those who for one reason or another receive assistance from the government and particularly if that assistance is their  only real source of income they would much less likely to vote for him after it is the democrats,  who talk about how they look after seniors and they always point out that theirs was the party that gave seniors Medicare and Social Security,  in the first place.
  Not to be out done the Romney,  campaign, has latched on to a sound bite from 1998 where a much younger and inexperienced Barack Obama,  admits he favors the idea of wealth redistribution at least on some level. Thus the battle of the sound bites begins and while I don't think that either of these two sound bites will do any lasting political damage to either candidate it does make for some interesting  reflections add to all of this the uncertainty of the stability of the middle east,  the many unanswered questions regarding operation Fast and Furious,   and Media Matters  emails,  showing proof political collusion with the Department of Justice,  and I'd have to say politics hasn't been this muddy since the days of the Watergate break in in 1972.
  Americans,  are with out excuse now,  they can not say they don't know the basic political philosophy of each candidate Obama,  wants wealth redistribution while Romney,  favors free enterprise and the idea that each American,  should be free to take responsibility to shape their own destiny.Obama,  believes in big government and class warfare and he seems determined to start a class war until he feels the economic playing field  is in his opinion  fair. A concept that is in it's self arbitrary and should never be left up to the definition of any single person. The political lines are now clearly drawn and now Americans,  must decide in November's election what they believe in Independence and personal responsibility and basic self reliance or government dependency no personal  responsibility  and a surrender of personal freedom. Americans, know all they need to know and now,  the choice is theirs to make. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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