Monday, September 17, 2012

We Can't Go Back To Happy Days.

  Sometimes, when I have had an especially hard day which usually means I have to figure out a new way to make ends meet I love to get on You Tube,  and listen to some oldies music from the fifties. I love listening to those old songs even though I wasn't even born yet when many of them were on the radio on spinning on young teens record players. I love listening to those songs from the fifties because it helps me reflect on a time that truly was a happy time in America. Yes, I know the Korean War was going on then but unless you knew someone over there then or some one in your family was over there much of America was too busy driving their cars going to the hop and going to their favorite fast food hangouts McDonald's,  started in 1955. There is no doubt there were problems in the fifties and early sixties. I remember reading about how people built bomb shelters because they feared Russia,  might bomb the US since they developed the bomb in 1949. I guess the TV show Happy Days,  was so popular because from time to time we all like to remember what seemed at least to be happier times.
  In 1960,  when I was born , now you know America, was number one in every aspect of industry nobody built better cars than we did nobody had a better TV than we did. in fact no other nation on earth at that time had anything better than we did! Eisenhower,  said in 1954 that America, was a nation under God and we were! The good guys always wore the white hats and you knew who the good guys were and most of the world at this time respected America because we were the good guys.The problem is no one can really go back to any particular time . Time has a terrible habit of going forward and moving on.
  Today, America, is a nation clearly in decline. The only thing she may still be number one in is her military and that's only because many brave Americans, both men and women,  have had their hands full in recent years trying to keep this country safe.America, however is no longer respected as a nation and for all the good she has done half the world now hates America,  and mocks everything America,  stands for. America, has a joke for a president and the American,  people are the punch line. You can't trust a politician to tell you anything but a lie. God, once  held in high esteem  has become a pathetic after thought in a politicians election speech.God's influence can no longer be clearly seen in the public arena of American society and it's almost impossible to tell who the good guys are anymore because it's had to find some one in politics who hasn't been politically corrupted. I realize America,  can never go back to the happy days of the fifties or any other era however, perhaps if Americans, would choose to remember the traditional values that built this nation and made it so great maybe just maybe God, would step in and bless this nation again and at least happier days, might return. Americans, are about to make what I believe will be the greatest  t choice since July fourth 1776. Americans,  are going to decide what kind of America, they want to live in America, in my opinion hasn't had many happy days under Obama, America's debt and weak economy have all but ruined America's standing among the other nations of the word. We have become a nation seeking easy hand outs and forgotten the discipline it takes to be self reliant trusting in God,  given  wisdom and ingenuity to keep this nation great. I believe if Romney,  is elected America, just  may have a chance to rebuild our traditional God fearing values and maybe then the happy days or at least happier days would return to America. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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