Wednesday, September 12, 2012

America, Really Needs a True Leader As President.

  I am an American,  and I love my country and I'm very thankful to have been born in America. I am 52 now and I have to tell you I never thought I would long enough to ever say this but for the first time in my life I am proud of my country but I am ashamed of my countries president! I find the attack on the embassy in Cairo Egypt, that resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three others together with the attack in Libya,, to be an act of war and I expected Obama, to respond in a much more assured and decisive manner. I wanted Obama,
 to put these countries on notice that these uncalled for acts of terrorism would not stand! Perhaps, I expected this type of response from Obama,  because I feel that is the kind of response I would have gotten from former presidents Bush or Reagan  but then again Barrack Obama,  is not Bush or Reagan. I have discovered  that anyone may wear the title of President or Commander and Chief but that alone does not necessarily make anyone a leader!
  When I heard the first official response to these attacks  was an apology from the American Embassy in Egypt,  for hurting the feelings of the Muslim population because some one ran a movie piece on YouTube that they felt offended Muhammad I was appalled! The United States,  has done more for other countries then any other country in modern times. I don't believe the United States owes an apology to anyone certainly not to the middle east. Obama, did resend the apology after some serious political pressure I am far from confident however,  that anyone in the middle east takes anything Obama,  may say seriously. The bottom line is I don't feel safe! I haven't felt safe since Obama, became President! I am ashamed of Obama because he lacks the ability to make a decision and then do what must be done to see it through.The American people,  have one last chance to get this right. I feel Mitt Romney,  understands the seriousness of the world situation and he will look to America's national security needs in a much more serious manner than Obama, has done over the last four years. I agree with radio talk show host Laura Ingraham, if the Republican Party, can't beat Obama,  with his record then it's time to do a way with the Republican Party, at least in it's present form. Right now the Tea Party.  is standing with the Republican Party but if the party loses the election to Obama,then maybe,  it's time to organize a new and better party. I feel like this is America's last chance and Romney is her best chance. I hope Romney can win the election in November, if he does may be then America, will have a president I won't have to be ashamed of. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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