Sunday, February 5, 2012

What You Heard Is Not What I Meant

  We hear a lot of politicians talking about misspeaking or being taken out of context. While I am sure this does happen and many times it happens on purpose to try and smear a political rival, I don't think it should happen every other day or in some cases every five minutes. There is an old tongue twister that reminds me of many,  if not most,  politicians. The tongue twister goes like this. I'm sure you think you heard what I said but I'm not sure you realize what you heard is not what I meant.
  Governor Mitt Romney, seems to have a persistent habit of misspeaking.His latest remarks about the plight of the very poor are a prime example. While I understand, that all of us are human,  and can make mistakes, I think that ninety eight percent of the time we say what we mean. The only real exception to this may be if something gets lost in translation. I heard a story about an indian who wanted to sell a horse. The indian,  knew the horse was almost  blind but he didn't know how to state this problem properly in English, so he told the cowboy,  he was trying  to sell the horse to in broken English "Him don't look good." The  cow boy,  thought the horse looked great so he bought the horse. The cowboy soon discovered  the horse was blind but,  the indian,  did not have to refund the money that the cowboy,  paid for the horse because a judge said the indian had told the truth as he knew it he said, the horse doesn't look good meaning the horse doesn't look at anything very well! The judge ruled that the real truth about the horse had been told but had been lost in translation and told the cowboy next time take another indian with you who speaks English to translate. I am reminded of a Russian student, who was trying to learn to speak English he had a crush on his English teacher, and wanted her to know that the cent of her perfume was wonderful and he wanted to smell the fragrance of her perfume forever so he thought in Russian," and handed his teacher a rose, and said,"Dear teacher, the rose will fade and die' but you dear teacher will smell forever! You know some how I don't think that's what he meant.
  Here is the point I am trying to make. Governor Romney,  can't afford the luxury, of misspeaking during a debate with President Obama. I am quite confident, that President  Obama, will take full political advantage of any verbal mistakes Governor Romney may make I don't know, but it seems to me, that if Governor Romney is the GOP  presidential nominee, he better choose his words carefully and keep his verbal guard up because President Obama, will be ready and waiting when the time comes for a one on one debate. "Loose lips sink ships." I think the same can be said for Mitt Romney's chance to be elected president unless he learns to say what he means the first time! As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just some words, to think on.

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