Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jack Sprat Politics

  We hear a lot of  talk these days from a lot of different sources about the importance of every American taking better care of  themselves. I know my wife is always telling me to watch not only what but how much I eat. I tell her I always see everything I eat right up to the moment I put it in my mouth! Seriously though, I realize if  Americans,  would take better care of  themselves,  it would lower health care cost for everyone. I would however submit to you,  that individual health decisions are and should remain,  the free will choice of each and every American. I don't need anyone from the government telling me what I can and can't eat. many states are considering putting an extra tax on soft drinks and various junk food snacks. the only thing legislation like that accomplishes is taxing the patience of the American people. Most Americans,  are already over taxed and certainly don't want or need an additional tax on snacks even if  it is considered  junk food.
  I was watching the news this morning, I heard about a fast food place called Heart Attack Grill. this fast food place serves up triple  and quadruple bypass  burgers. Sure  enough,  a person was eating there and suffered a heart attack. the fast food place is now under attack and is being put under pressure from certain health advocacy groups to close. First of all, no one is making anyone go to this place to eat it is their choice and it always should be. I don't smoke I believe this habit to be bad for a persons health. I am not prepared however, to say smoking should be banned. Drinking can be bad for your liver if  you are a person,  who chooses to drink to the point that your liver shuts down well, all I can say is that was your choice you knew the risk.
  You know, the Obamas',   make quite a pair President Obama, wants to trim down all of the so called fat cats on Wall Street and Michelle Obama,  wants to trim the fat off of all Americans she considers to be over weight.. I sure wish our President,  could trim the fat of government waste out of the federal budget. The only thing getting thinner  at my house,  is my wallet. I know the President, sure loves to chew the fat with the American people especially, with an election right around the corner.I guess, that's to be expected after all he's an important man and his words carry a lot of weight. I wonder if  the President,  along with the House and Senate will ever change and do away with excessive government spending?  I guess you could say fat chance that's ever going to happen! as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words to think on.

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