Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Time To Speak.

  The year is 1787 the place is Philadelphia. at the close of our nation's constitutional convention. a  Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin who had received  an honorary doctorate degree in law from Oxford University in 1762 the following question "Well doctor, what have we got? a republic or a monarchy? with no hesitation whatsoever  Franklin  responded,  "A  rebublic  if  you can keep it How do we keep it? Americans, keep our republic when we stand united and speak up for it. Here is what I mean. Not too long ago a friend said to me, "I never mix politics and religion." While I understood what he meant, what he did not realize was, there are times when they must be mixed. Last Sunday,  many Pastors, Bishops  and other Church leaders were asked to read a letter concerning the President's requirment that Catholic hospitals and other faith based organizations, be forced to provide various  types of contraception to the female emplyees who are employed there. Some pastors,  would not read the letter because they didn't want to mix politics  and religion.
  I would submitt to you that much of  America's departure from traditional Judeo Christian values is due largely to the basic silence of  many of the churches in America. Over the last forty years or so, America's churches have all too often, have  chosen to remain silent and instead chosen to quietly, go along with  our morally decaying society, in an effort to get along with the secularist in our society, and if America's chruches don't stand up and speak out soon, their ability to speak will be long gone! Churches in America must realize there is a time to speak. The churches in America must speak loud and let their voice be heard, before it is too late. I fear one day very soon the chruches ability to speak out about anything going on in Americaan society will be gone. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain just some words to think on.

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