Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A More Perfect Union.

  As I consider the many problems facing America today, I must tell you I can't remember another time in my life time when this nation was more divided. The ideological battle lines have never been so clearly drawn. As an individual who has spent a great deal of  my life studying  America's history I will tell you  that our country has not been so idealogically divided since the days of the Civil War. You may list and analyize America's many problems right now, You can talk about the nations  economic problems and there is no doubt things are tight right now. I find myself  having to choose between a gallon of gas or a gallon of  milk and sometimes since I have a growing daughter that's a tough choice. Most Americans,  are very aware of the nations debt but I don't know anyone who can do much about it.We have politicians in this country  right now who view the future of  this country only  through the lense of the next election. I don't think that is going too change in  fact,  I think politics in general really hasn't changed  much since the days of  the Roman Empire.
  As I continue to ponder possible solutions to Americas problems I have come to the realization that America,  is locked in a cultural war. The cultural war our nation finds it's self in is much more than Republicans verses Democrats or liberals verses conservatives. Many Americans,  may not know this and many Americans may have forgotton this but there was a time in this country when most Americans had a reasonable sense of what was right and what was wrong. The line between these bounderies  has  never beem more undefined. America's moral fabric at times seems riped or torn in so many places I don't even know where to begin. The attack on the family is more than evident. our society has completely redefined what a family is Divorce,  is at an all time high and many of Americans don't even bother to get married.. The very definition of marraige is constanly being redefined. I even saw a court case where a woman wanted to marry her favorite pet..The rise in the number of single parent housholds in America is staggering. The number of children born out of wed lock has nearly doubled in the last twenty years. America's schools have no discipline and our teachers teach our children a liberal progressive philosphy that has done nothing but contiue to add to the moral decay of America as a nation.
  I found myself  looking at the constitution last night and I then realized what the true solutins to America's social moral and economic problems  has always been. You have to remember the reason the constituton was written in the first place. Our constution was written,  to form a more perfect union not a perfect union human beings will never be perfect. but a more perfect union. I than asked myself a more perfect union of what? The answer slowly came into focus a more prfect union of  thoughts and ideas a more perfect union in the area of  law and goverment. The founding fathers however realized  that the most inportant union that needed to be made and constanly maintained was a more perfect union with God. I am reminded of this when I remember these words from Ben Franlin." If  a sparrow cannot fall with out his notice can a nation rise without his aid?" Yes, there a battle for the soul of America. Americans must seek once again to have a more perfect union with God in their own souls. America's greatest freedom is the right to excercise our God given free will. God,  will never impose his will on America,  but he will surely revitalize this nation if  the American  people,  will onnce again do what they did 236 years ago. What did they do? They humbled themselves,  and acknowledged their need to have God as the foundation of  this nation. Can America,  rise again? Yes,  if Americans, will fall to their knees and return to the God who built this nation in the first place..Americans,  have a choice to make  they can   return to a more perfect union to the godly principals that made this country great or  they can contiue on a path of   liberal progressive philosphies that will ultimately,  lead to our nations destruction. Americans, must make this choice soon.  God has been more than patient, but even  he will not wait forever and if  God,  turns his face away from this nation,  is there anything else that will truly matter? as always, my friends, these thoughts remain just, some words, to think on.

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