Wednesday, February 8, 2012

David Versus Goliath

  No matter how the Romney campaign may try to spin last night's caucuses  and primary results, last night was a big deal for Senator Rick Santorum. There is no doubt, that campaign support for Senator Santorum,  will definitely start pouring in. It's a pretty safe bet,  that the Romney, campaign,  will launch an all out political attack on Senator Rick Santorum, You can almost hear Speaker Newt Gingrich,  telling Senator Santorum,"Welcome to my world."
  Senator Santorum, will now find that he is a man caught in the cross heirs of the Ronney campaign. I can only imagine the huge amount of  money Governor Mitt Romney,  will spend to purchase negative adds against Senator Santorum. One wonders,   just how long Senator Santorum's campaign,  can resist the overwhelming temptation of  getting down into the political mud and running an equally negative campaign especially,  against Governor Romney, and Speaker Gingrich. The Speaker and Rick Santorum,  claim to be friends. As we all know however,  often in politics, there are no friends at least not   until the party nominee has been chosen. The candidates then,  all shake hands and wait for the next presidential campaign, to hate each other all over again!
  I do not know,  at this point, if  Senator Santorum, can mount an effective campaign against Governor Romney. One thing is certain, it won't be easy, I am sure,  Governor Romney,  will spend as much money as he deems necessary to destroy Senator Santorum's new found political momentum.I think it's goning to be a case of  David versus Goliath. I wouldn't necessarily count  Senator Rick Santorum,  out just yet. Governor Mitt Romney,  has just found out what can happen,  if  you underestimate,  your opponent. As Always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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