Thursday, February 9, 2012

Today, Catholics Tomorrow, Everyone Else.

  Tell me something,  do these words sound familiar to you?"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise there of or a bridging the freedom of speech or of the press." Oh yeah! Now,  I remember, these words are the first amendment of the Constitution of the United states of America. Now the way I understand this amendment, a person is free to practice the faith of their  choice and speak freely about various doctrines and aspects of  their  particular faith without fear of intimidation from the government at least, that's what I thought it meant now, I'm not so sure.
  I heard on the news recently, that Senior Army official and Chief Army Chaplain,  Donald Rutherford, was told by certain White House officials,  not to read a letter to his congregation because the language of the letter was too strong and talked against the president's  new health care requirement that says all Catholic schools and hospitals must provide free contraception in their health insurance for all who are employed by them. The Catholic Church as long maintained that birth control goes directly against the principals and teachings of there faith. The government however seems unconcerned  with this fundamental conflict of the Catholic faith. Why am I not surprised?  At a meeting at the White House in November of 2011 President Obama promised Senior Roman Catholic leader,  Timothy Dolan, that he would not enact any health care policies that would be in conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church.. That promise is now broken. I guess,  President Obama's faith allows him to brake his promises for the sake of political expediency .Oh well, I suppose it's not the first time a politician broke a promise right?
 This attack on the the Catholic faith, has far reaching future implications. Where does government intrusion end? can someone infiltrate your church and at the behest of the government tell your preacher or pastor or minister what he or she can and can not preach? So much for the free exercise of religion, not to mention freedom of speech. All I can say is, if  most Americans,  find this attach on religious freedom disturbing, they better speak up now, The day may soon come when no one can speak at all. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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