Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Have Americans Given Up On The American Dream?

  Last night I was watching the O'Reilly Factor on FOX. Mr O'Reilly, seem to suggest that many Americans,  had given up on working hard to achieve the American,  dream. He said many Americans,  had gotten used to the government taking came of them and that America was well on it"s way to becoming a society completely dependant on government entitlements. I hate to admit it but he could be right.Lets face it obtaining the American,  dream takes work and self discipline and the ability to take  on certain responsibilities. Many Americans,  I'm afraid,  have decided that's just too hard to do.Many Americans,  have no desire to work hard for anything, they would rather choose to let the government do every thing for them. I think many Americans,  have forgotten the price the founding fathers had to pay so that Americans,  today can have the opportunity at least to achieve the American,  dream.
  At one point,  during the darkest days of the American revolution Benjamin Franklin,  reminded his fellow Americans,  in the Continental Congress, that each person in each state must all work together if they were to win the fight for liberty, Franklin,  rose to his feet and said these words, "We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately." They did all work together and the result was a new nation with liberty and justice for all.
  I believe that once again Americans,  have a choice to make they can choose the easy road and stay on the path of complete government dependence, and America will be where Greece is now, or Americans,  can choose to work hard and hang together to build a strong nation with new economic freedom. One thing I do know is this if Americans,  choose the path of government dependence one day very soon economically speaking Americans,  will be in affect,  all hung together,  swinging by  the rope of our massive economic debt. I think the next election will certainly indicate the choice Americans will make. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words to think on.

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