Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trying To Make Cain Unable

  Well, if your like me,  you watch the news a lot. No doubt,  by now,  you have seen the latest troubles for Herman Cain. I havn't come to any conclusions yet, but there are some issues regarding Mr. Cain's reactions to the sexual herassment aligations that are being lodged against him that bother me. My father always said, an innocent man has nothing to fear. I want to believe, Herman Cain is a good,  and honest man. He seems,  to have the support of a lot of good people. last night, I heard Sean Hannity, say, that he has known Herman Cain, for ten years, that is a long time I suppose, but I'm wondering why, Mr. Cain, doesn't hire a lawyer, and sue the women or at least threaten to sue them for defamation.I do realize, that it is more than possible, that Mr. Cain, is a victum of dirty politics.I'll tell you right now, if it is ever proven, that the Romny or Perry campaigns had anything to do with these charges against Mr. Cain's character, well,  let's just say, that would probably, be the political end of both of them. I think however, that they know that, so I can't imagine either candidate, would have anything to do with this situation.
  I would tell Mr.Cain, let these women identify themselves if they are as devostated as they claim, then they should be willing to state their case. Mr. Cain says,  the aligations are baseless, therefore,  he has nothing to fear. I suppose, it is entirely possible, we may never know the full truth. The women should be given the chance,  to tell,  their side of the story. Mr. Cain,  should then have a chance,  to respond, to whatever the women have to say. I reason, that the women, should welcome, the chance to state their case, if their is a case to be made. Speaking, in defense of Mr. Cain, I am inclined, at least for now, to believe him. I find it difficut to believe anonymous, sorces.
  For now, one thing is certain someone, is lying, and someone,  is trying to make Herman Cain unable, to campaign, or raise money. Thus, far, the public is with Mr. Cain, and I do believe at least for now, he should be given,  the benefit, of the doubt. I only hope, the trust that the public has placed in Mr.Cain, is worth the investment. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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