Monday, November 7, 2011

The Power Of Words.

  Yesterday, my daughter ask me a question, I could not give an answer to. She simply ask,' Daddy, will America always be free?' I was not sure how to answer that question. I replied 'I sure hope so.' After some further thought, I now know,  the answer to that question. America will remain free only if the American people are willing to pay, the price and do what is often hard but necessary to keep America free. As I consider America's future, I am concerned, I fear many of America's youth,  for too long now, have  been influenced by a free, but far too permissive, society. Many, of the youth in America seem to feel,  that America, as a country, owes them everything simply because they were  fortunate enough,  to be born here. I do not blame America's youth however, for this kind of thinking,  falls right in line with what can only be described, as a liberal  point of view. It would seem,  that America has forgotten the words from one of President John F Kennedy's greatest speeches when he said, 'Ask not, what your country can do for you, but, what you can do, for your country.'
  I wondered, why much of America's youth seemed so willing,  to accept this liberal point of view. I came across these words from Thomas Paine's  pamphlet, Common Sense  published,  in 1776 he expressed, this problem, using these words, 'A long habit of thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.' I then understood, many, of America's youth have heard this type of  Liberal thinking in their schools and in America's now too permissive culture for so  long now,  they believe it,  to be true. To too  much of the youth of America, it makes perfect sense,  that America's government should provide them with everything,  at no cost to them.
  You know,  freedom, has a cost too, in fact, freedom often, comes at a heavy price. I continued reading in another of  Thomas  Paine's books called, The Crisis,  also published in 1776. Although, Thomas Paine was trying to inspire, war weary, soldiers in the early days of the American Revolution, I believe, one of his most famous quotes could be used today,  to inspire, all Americans,  who love freedom,  to have enough discipline,  to be willing,  to pay the price,  that is necessary,  to insure,  both America's  political, and economic freedom. Thomas Paine expressed the cost of freedom, with these words from his book The Crisis. He wrote,'These are the times that try men's souls.The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of men and women.'
  As I consider Thomas Paine's powerful words, words that inspired men  to continue to fight and eventually, win the American Revolution,  and secure, the freedom,  that so many, enjoy today, I pause, and ask this question. If  Americans,  are asked to accept necessary budget cuts, or if  many Americans are asked to make  personal sacrifices perhaps,  do without, some personal comforts and luxuries, will Americans be willing,  to do not, what is easy, but what is necessary to insure, both the nations political,  and economic survival. One thing is clear,  America is  surely, in the mist,  of just such a crisis. I hope,  all who would read these words,  might take heart, and remember,  the cost of freedom,  and why,  we love America,  so dearly. I am only, a simple man,  but if my words,  can inspire even one  person to fight for  America's continued,  political,  and economic freedom,  not only,  for who live today, but for the future generations to come, then,  I will know,  my words,  have made a difference,  and I have not lived in vain. as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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