Friday, November 18, 2011

So, Americans are too lazy, Really?

  You might have seen in the news recently, it seems President Obama, thinks America, or rather, Americans, have grow a bit lazy. you might also remember about a month ago, President Obama said he thought America as a nation, had grown a little soft meaning,  we as Americans, just don't work as hard as we once did, and therefore we can't compete,  with China or Japan, or Germany, or one of the  other more civilized nations in Europe. As a matter of fact, Republican Presidential candidate, Governor,  Rick Perry,  has an campaign add asking Americans,basically, if we like the fact that President Obama, considers America,  a nation,  that is full of  lazy people. Governor Perry, doesn't seem to agree with President Obama's,  assessment of America's work ethic.and for the record, neither do I.
  I feel the time has come, as an American, who lives in,  and loves this country,  to point a few things out, to President Obama, right now, the Congress, has a nine percent approval rating, the Senate hasn't passed a budget in over 930 days, And just today I hear the House,  failed to pass a bill that would have put an amendment in the Constitution to balance the federal budget. And President Obama wants to call Americans lazy excuse me? President Obama, has already taken more trips,  and vacations,  and played more Gulf, and basketball in his first three years at the White House then President George Bush did in his entire Presidency. Remember that all expense paid trip to Spain That First Lady Michelle Obama took back in August of 2010 ? The  entire trip complete with full secret Service security was all paid for by  American taxpayers, and Americans are lazy,  and want to live too  well,  or too  easy excuse me? Attorney General Eric Holder, botches up a serious government gun running operation like Fast and Furious, and gets rewarded with an  an all expense paid trip to the Caribbean, for five days,  on the American taxpayers dime all in the name of  Law enforcement, and Americans are lazy excuse me? President Obama's  Secretary of Energy,  Steven Chu,  guarantees a 535 million dollar loan,  all backed by the American taxpayer, to the  Solyndra solar company then,  the company goes bankrupt and the American taxpayer is left holding the bag, and you want to call Americans , lazy Mr. President, excuse me?
  I don't think Americans,  need any more  lectures, from the President, about how lazy they are right now,  President Obama's personal pals,are protesting on Wall Street Yes many of them are lazy but remember,  President Obama,  understands, their frustrations, and their hardships so I guess it's okay, if the want to be lazy, and instead of using their energy,  to look for a job, instead they use drugs sexually assault women, and do other lewd acts in public yet, these are the people President Obama wants to support, but he calls most of the rest of Americans lazy? Give me a break! Mr. President, if their are certain Americans who have grown lazy it's because your liberal government hand out policies have helped to make them that way. As far as Americans getting soft is concerned, I think the only thing getting  soft is,  President Obama's head! as always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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