Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Proud To Say I'm Sorry.

  My father, once told me, any man can be wrong about something,  and as a result, make a mistake, but you will soon find out the measure of a man, if  he is willing to admit he was wrong,  and then apologize, for his mistake,  and promise to learn from it. I think, that was good advice, and I do my best, to remember it, and, live by it.
  On Tuesday, I was watching the news, Attorney General Eric Holder,  was appearing before, the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was being questioned, about, both,  his knowledge of,  and or, his direct, involvement in,  the government  operation known as Fast and Furious. I continued listening to the hearing, and, I was amazed as I heard Senator John Cornyn from Texas, ask Attorney General, Eric Holder, if he had apologized, to the Terry family for the mistakes made in the  government  operation Fast and Furious which ultimately, led to the boarder patrolman Brian Terry's death. The Attorney General's answer to that question certainly, indicated to me, what kind of man he was, or wasn't. Not only, had  Attorney General Eric Holder, not apologized, to the Terry family, he accepted, no responsibility,  for any part of the  government  operation that had, gone, so  terribly, wrong. When Senator, Cornyn, gave Attorney General, Holder, the oppertunity, to formally, and publically, accept at least a portion, of the responsibility,  for the botched,  Fast and Furious government operation that had caused boarder patrolman, Terry's death, he refused, to do so. The Attorney general, went on to say, that though he regretted boarder patrolman Terry's death, he did not feel he, or his department, should be blamed in any way for Terry's death.
  I'm sure, Brian Terry's family, really, appreciated, Attorney General Holder's sincere, and heart felt, apology. I'm sure, his words of contrition and remorse, will  help  fill  the never ending emptiness, that Brian Terry's family will forever feel. I can only imagine, how empty Christmas will feel, for the Terry family, not only this year,  but  for  many years to come. Sadly, the only way Brian Terry came home, was in a pine box.
  I am not,  Attorney General Holden's ultimate judge, but I can give you, my accessment, of his character or perhaps his lack of character. I find it rather difficult to think of Attorney  General has a true man, in any sense, of the word. Where I come from,  a real man, accepts   responsibilty for his actions, and openly acknowledges, his mistakes, and tries very hard to learn from them. There is one thing I am sure of  Attorney General Eric Holden, is not, the man, my  father was. As always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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