Tuesday, November 15, 2011

39 Say Resign Fast, And He's Furious

  As I continue to track the political fall out from the botched government operation called Fast and Furious, I heard on the news that no less than thirty nine members of the House of  Representatives are now calling for Attorney General,  Eric Holder. to resign. Although I highly doubt, that it will actually, happen, if only because, Attorney General  Holder,  is a personal friend,  and a personal appointee, of  President Obama. The President,  realizes, that if he buckles,  under the political  pressure, and ask for Attorney General Holder's resignation, he will be admitting in essence, both the lack of  transparency in his administration something he promised, and the profound,  failure,  of  his judgement as President in general.
  More problems politically speaking,  may be on the horizon for the Obama administration in addition to his political difficulties with Fast  and Furious, which apparently none in President Obama's administration, thought very hard and long about,, now, there is at least some doubt as to how smooth,the confirmation hearing for United States Court of Appeals nominee, Kevin Ohlson may be, the Senate seems to be reconsidering Ohlson's nomination.
  Regardless,  how all of this works out, if  the Republicans, are watching and listening I see some great negative campaign adds,  that could be run, in the 2012 Presidential election. President Obama's economic policies have been an outstanding failure. How's that for an oxy moron? Well,  we are discussing, President Obama's  apparent over all  lack,  of economic wisdom and sound,  judgement. I'm sure in the minds of some, he has often seemed,  a bit moronic, so, I guess the shoe fits! As Always, my friends, these thoughts remain, just, some words, to think on.

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